
Attending Deeply: Eyes Are Not Enough

I want to see. Do you? In Mark 10, Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus what he wanted and then granted his desire–sight. But eyes are not enough to see all I want to see. What about you?

Do you want to see more of reality–the reality of God, yourself, and the world? Are you brave enough to search and persistent enough to see not just with open eyes, but with mind and heart open to God?

If the answer is a resounding “Yes!” or even a cautious “I think so…,” you may see more than you ever thought possible when you ask God to open the eyes of your heart. Spiritual direction is one practice Jesus, the Light of the World, uses to help us see more clearly and to help us pay attention to God more deeply.

God has given me so much through spiritual direction that I feel a little microburst of joy when others discover this gift also. However, starting spiritual direction can be a frightening endeavor, as can any decision to really see, hear, feel and know God.

A lot of courage is required to intentionally invite the Holy Spirit to enter and indwell us – mind, heart, spirit, and body. If this is your desire, God will give you all you ask and MORE!

About Me

Doreen Miller: Who am I?

A follower of Jesus Christ.

A wife, mother, nana, friend, learner, teacher, reader, lover of God. Read My Story.

A spiritual director.  Read About Spiritual Direction or  What is Spiritual Direction?

A supervisor.  Read What is Supervision?

A retreat leader. I offer guided prayer retreats for groups on a variety of topics. See Retreats.

A resident of Central Pennsylvania. In the past, most directees or supervisees came to my spiritual direction room; but now, many are choosing to meet exclusively through Zoom or phone.


If you want to contact me, fill out the form below.